In the event you forgot your password or require it to be changed, SWIM Portal enables this as a self-service functionality.
Step 1
On the Main page of SWIM Portal, click the "Sign In" button in the upper right corner.
Step 2
On the Log In page, click the "Forgot Password" Button to begin the change password process.
Step 3
1. Complete the Forgot Password form by entering the email or login you use with SWIM Portal.
2. Then select the "Submit" button to send a reset link to that email. Please check the entered email for an email containing the reset link.
*The below image will display upon clicking "Submit" to indicate an email was sent*
Step 4
In your email inbox, click on the "Reset My Password" button to open a link that to the forgotten password form.
Step 5
The link will open the below SWIM Update Password age. This will allow you to change your password. Please follow the password requirements when creating a new password, then click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen accept the new password.
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